The course tutorial will begin with the basics of Computers and then cover the more advanced and complex areas of Medical Informatics. The course will deal with the intricacies involved in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Medicines.
The weekly assignments will enhance your capability to work on computer and its environment. It will help you to use computer and its applications more efficiently.
The audio and video presentations will broaden your understanding about the latest digital advancements. It will also educate you about the technologies used in Medical Informatics. The process will be highly engaging and help you to retain the concepts better.
Case Studies
The stories will give you an opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts to practical problems. It will give you an insight into the effective ins and outs of Medical Informatics.
The highlight of the course:
The course would provide exposure to Hospital Management Software such as IPD and OPD management, prescription writing on computer, and wards etc.
The student will learn to effectively use IT and Software in laboratory, diagnostic tool, TWAIN and equipments.
The course would orient the learners in IT usage in Medical Research and analysis.
The students will be able to use IT in telemedicine and video-conference.
Recommendation for setting up of IT infrastructure in Hospital/ CHC/ PHC/ Dispensary with the required software and installations.
Please request “Full Course Curriculum” on email by writing to email: haque@ehealth-care.net