Q 1. What is mode and duration of course ?

Answer.    It is Three (3) Months Distant Learning course.

Q 2. Since this is a distance learning program, how often do students receive the learning materials and assignments? Would it be online or do students receive some hard copies of the materials?

Answer.    We will email the Study Material (Soft Copy – PDF) to you. We discontinued Hard copy of Study Material. Eight (8) numbers of weekly assignments will also be sent to you via email. You do not need to send the solved assignments to us as the answer are printed along with the question. Along with the assignments, you will also receive weekly Presentation (14 Numbers). You need to analyze the Online Presentations and make a report. The report must reach us on our email.

Q 3. How do you assess the students’ performance? Any exams, how often would they be? What would be the prerequisites before a student finally receive a certificate?

Answer: At the end of three months course duration, you will get a Final Assignment (50 marks) which you need to solve and send it back to us through email. You need to face an online objective type test (50 marks). We will inform the test date accordingly. On successful completion, a certificate of merit will be dispatched through Speed or Registered post.

Q 4. What will happen if the student won’t be able to finish the 3-month course (in time)? Would you allow extension?

Answer: Extension is permitted with no extra cost. But we encourage candidates to complete the course in stipulated time.

Q 5. Is the Institute registered by any authority?

Answer: The Institute is Registered under Section 69 of the Finance Act, 1994. Government of India

Q 6. Is course recognized by any authority?

Answer: Well, this certificate course is not recognized or affiliated to any agency.

Note: eHCF School of Medical Informatics is listed on “National Health Portal” by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.

We must clarify that this course is for people who want to know more (in and out) on Medical Informatics. As we are moving in the Knowledge Economy, i:e, it means the more you know, you tend to brighten up your future, a scope of advancement and an edge over others.

Q 7. Who will issue the course completion certificate?

Answer: The course completion certificate is issued jointly by eHealth-Care Foundation and eHCF School of Medical Informatics.

Q 8. What is the process of application?

Answer: First you need download the Application Form from our website. Complete it and along with the required course Fee DD / cheque send it to our address.

Q 9. Is course fee being acceptable other than US$ and INR?

Answer: Yes. The candidate from other country can transfer fees in currency other than US$ and INR. Please convert and transfer the US$ amount as mentioned in the Fee page.

Q 10. Where to send the filled application form along with the required fee?

Answer: To the address as mentioned on the Application form (Download Form)